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Blossoms & Vine is dedicated to crafting custom made bracelets for any occasion. Choose from one of our signature stacks or design one of your own. We are committed to bringing you unique and beautifully crafted jewelry that reflects your individual style and personality.

Blossoms & Vine started out as a hobby to decompress at the end of a long day. Between work and kids, I was looking for a way to unwind that didn't involve mindlessly scrolling on my phone. Historically I have not been a very crafty person, but somehow stringing beads onto an elastic was soothing, simply and at the end of it, I had created something pretty awesome. And this is how Blossoms & Vine was born - a hobby turned into a passion for creating custom pieces 
for our clients to love.

I love working with our clients to design a piece that is exactly what they want. I love the artistic freedom our clients trust me with in creating these pieces and the joy I am able to share when the final product has been shipped. Looking forward to working with you!

xoxo Alexandra 

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